As a single mother of an exceptional little man, I have experienced firsthand the devastating consequences of a system WRIGGED against us. My exceptional little man has faced behavioral challenges requiring support through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) at school. Despite having an IEP in place, we were still greatly prejudiced through his school that would contact law enforcement repeatedly when my little man was having big feelings he was unable to control. This began at about the age of 7 (The school district treating us this way) Naturally I became lil boos greatest advocate advocating zealously for free appropriate public education for lil boo.
Once the pandemic hit and lockdowns ensured we were deprived of these services which instigated another battle for services. This eventually led to the need to contact authorities for assistance in what I was told "make a paper trail". However, instead of receiving the necessary services, he was taken away from me by Child Protective Services, and for the past three years, I have been tirelessly fighting for his return, well-being, and the trauma and abuse to cease.
Sitting on the sidelines as you have no control watching your only child being harmed, traumatized irreparably and abused while also indoctrinated and medicated, it's a pain I wouldn't wish upon a worst enemy.
Through this journey, I have learned a great deal about the justice system and its inherent biases. It's become clear that the system is designed to protect, yet it more often than not tears families apart. I created this website to share our experiences and shed light on the deficits of child protective services, the lack of oversight, and the unchallenged power of dependency courts and judges which soon morphed into a website educating others on all governmental system corruption, learning, and growing.
On this website, I offer resources and information that I have gathered over the years. I have become adept at requesting public records and have obtained valuable information that I share with others. These resources can empower individuals like us to navigate the complex legal processes and advocate for our children's rights.
However, I cannot fight this battle alone. I need your support. By donating to our cause, you can help us continue the fight for justice and bring Wrigley back home. Your contribution will go towards funding legal representation, advocating for policy changes, and raising awareness about the injustices faced by families like ours.
Together, we can make a difference. By sharing our story, resources, and experiences, we can educate others and bring about much-needed accountability in the system. Ultimately, our goal is to not only help Wrigley but also establish a nonprofit organization that supports families facing similar challenges.
Join us in our fight for justice. Explore the resources on this website, donate to our cause, and spread the word. Together, we can create a brighter future for our children and ensure that no family suffers the heartbreak and injustice we have endured.
A story that speaks to the very essence of parenthood and the challenges we face when caught in the clutches of a system designed to protect, yet sometimes tears families apart.
As parents, we bear a profound moral responsibility to safeguard our precious children under all circumstances.
Imagine this challenging question: If the well-being of your child hung in the balance, what choice would you make?
Picture a mother confronted with an agonizing decision, one she felt compelled to make in order to ensure the safety of her special needs son. In her moment of desperation, she reached out to emergency services for assistance. Yet, tragically, this act led to a traumatic separation, with mother and son only reuniting three brief times over two long years. They continue to grapple with the relentless battle imposed upon their family nearly 3 years later.
Now, consider this: Would you be willing to risk the fracture of your own family bonds to secure your child's safety, or would you jeopardize your child's well-being to preserve your family's unity?
In a nation that champions freedom, how can we accept such agonizing choices as the norm?
Imagine a Friday afternoon in February of 2021—a day that would forever alter the course of a mother's life. A mother, pouring her heart into her beautiful offspring, her flesh and blood, only to have her world unravel before her eyes. A simple plea for help, a call to law enforcement for assistance with a special needs son in dire need of promised services. Little did she know that this innocent cry for help would thrust her into a nightmare she couldn't escape, a tale of unlawful actions and the unjust separation from the very heart of her existence.
Looking back, she'd brave every storm, face every challenge, no matter how insurmountable. The struggles during those trying times would pale in comparison to the darkness that engulfed her after that fateful day. If only she could have foreseen the web of deception that would ensnare her, if only she knew that the very system meant to protect her family could become her greatest adversary.
Meet Wrigley, her beloved offspring, held captive in a facility as she battles a system intent on silencing her. She stands against extortion and fights to reclaim her unalienable rights, all the while contending with court-appointed attorneys she never agreed to—a system that thrives on conflict, a system where profit often trumps justice.
As you explore this space, you'll join a journey that was once about one little boy, Wrigley, and has now evolved into an exploration of justice, of the intricate threads woven into the very fabric of our legal system. What began with a single mother's determination has blossomed into years of relentless research, legal studies, and a strength she never knew existed.
Though many parents endure the horrors of unconstitutional child welfare agencies, there's something unique about this path. It's not solely about reuniting with a loved one, though that is a just cause. It's about delving into the intricate workings of quasi courts, untangling the complex web of proceedings designed to benefit a few at the expense of many. It's about unveiling the truth behind the scenes, understanding the puppet strings that manipulate lives.
This site is a work in progress, much like the journey itself. As we reconstruct its essence, stay connected. A promise of insight, knowledge, and empowerment awaits. Sign up for email notifications, and together, we'll embark on a mission to reclaim the power that belongs to us—the people.
Thank you for joining us on this quest for truth, justice, and the restoration of families. Your involvement is invaluable, and your voice is essential as we rewrite the narrative that binds us all.
With determination and hope,
Kristen Michelle, Wrigley's Mommy.
Lil' boo was taken on an alleged hospital hold February 19, 2021 and never returned. It wasn't until a year later we learned he was never on a hospital hold at all and this was willful deceit to buy time to get a petition through to the courts to keep lil boo indefinitely. We miss him so much.
After three agonizing years fighting to reunite with her son, one mother is at her breaking point, justifiably. She and her son are now asking the public for help in reuniting their small family of two
For over three years, Kristen has been tirelessly fighting to be reunited with her son Wrigley after they were torn apart due to the dishonest actions of two social workers during the pandemic. Deprived of crucial services when her son needed them most, she was left without a choice but to ask public officials for help. The help they provided was forcing her to watch helplessly as lies on documents by social workers cost her custody of her only son, the son that had only lived with her the entirety of his life until that moment.
Since then, Kristen has faced disadvantages at every turn as other systems failed to intervene on her behalf facing significant challenges. A wrongful eviction left her homeless with pending legal battles, and liens now threaten her only means of transportation. Yet through it all, her greatest pain is the separation from Wrigley, who at just 8 years old, now turning 12 in a few short weeks, just does not understand why his mother can't be with him.
Kristen’s story highlights the severe lack of oversight and accountability within Los Angeles social services. Good people have fallen through cracks left open by unconstitutional policies, without advocates to ensure basic rights are upheld. Now living in unstable conditions, Kristen fights not only to reunite with Wrigley, but for positive change to prevent others from enduring similar injustices.
Your donations will directly support Kristen and Wrigley's fight. Funds will help cover legal and living expenses as the custody case presses on, with the goal of allowing them stability in a home together once more. Kristen also recently initiated a grassroots movement for reform, believing all families deserve a fair process free from bias or capricious judgment calls.
Additionally, Once again it's time for Wrigley's birthday in only a few short weeks. Wrigley has not been able to have a true kid birthday in years, the best we can do is rally behind his Mama to show him how much we care and support them both. It takes a village and this mama and her son need to have light shone on them from every angle keeping them strong, resilient, and hopeful.
Please give if you can support a mother's love for her child, and her courageous efforts to seek the justice denied to her family and show her that her bravery has not been in vain. Every share of Kristen's story is a step toward accountability and protecting society's most vulnerable members. With community behind her, hope remains that one day soon, Kristen and Wrigley's joyful reunion can occur. Your contribution, whether financial or simply sharing the campaign, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your kind consideration.
The pandemic seemed to swallow many of us whole but lucky for those living in Los Angeles ;
However, for one local mom, the pandemic, and those protections failed at every turn as her and her family slipped through massive loopholes, leaving them locked out of their home of 7 years in Lakewood, California, more tragically, she's been separated from her son.
The eviction nightmare for this local Mother began nearly a year ago as she was forced through countless proceedings, unable to obtain any legal counsel and came to a swift conclusion on November 1st, 2023 when seven LA County sheriffs pounded on her door before dawn barging in without a warrant or a valid writ of execution, forcefully removing a terrified Kristen and her two dogs onto the street.
“They came in like a SWAT team,” she recalls. “I kept asking to see a warrant, but they didn’t have one. They kept alleging the notice to vacate was enough however on their website the writ of execution allowing for the notice to vacate to be posted was stated as suspended"
But Kristen fell through massive loopholes or was she simply victim of a corrupt system With the courts and law enforcement refusing to enforce the moratorium's provisions, landlords can still find workarounds. Tactics like landlord harassment, coercing "voluntary" move-outs, and filing technical lease violations have all been used to skirt the moratorium. Most troubling, promised legal assistance never materialized, leaving Kristen to navigate a corrupt system alone. The local non-profits and legal aid groups meant to help folks like Kristen were overwhelmed and underfunded. The government agencies and elected officials she pleaded to turned a blind eye.
Kristen isn't your average evictee, and the "playbook" in which Judge's determine these matters does not apply to her case, She's a lease-holding tenant that was current on rent until her landlord was detained for violation of probation in which she found he was a serial pedophile and registered sex offender in which he never disclosed (a breach of the lease agreement/contract)
A week before notice of his detainment, Kristen caught her landlord filming down her summer sundress filming her breasts. Swiftly, she reported this to law enforcement.
Soon thereafter, This Megan's Law registered sex offender's wife began harassing, intimidating, and threatening Kristen to vacate despite not having any contractual agreement or even any legal interest in the property. Her threats and harassment only intensified after learning Kristen was cooperating with the investigators and district attorney in her husband's criminal matter.
Most troubling is that she had zero knowledge of the tenancy, She alleges she didn't even know her husband of over ten years was a pedophile sex offender, how could she have any knowledge of Kristen's tenancy?
"She's a licensed social worker in mental health and claims she had no idea, this is concerning".-K
Only once the harassment began did Kristen fall behind on rent payments yet this was only due to the fact she was uncertain of whom or how to pay rent after her landlord was imprisoned. However and perhaps most importantly, Kristen's family qualifies for LA's vaunted eviction moratorium as she had provided declarations of hardship in which she and her landlord came to some agreements which Kristen would pay as you go to remain current with her rent.
You see, Kristen’s tragedy actually began nearly two years prior when in February 2021, unbeknownst to her, her special needs son would be removed from her home, custody and care after she sought mental health services they were being deprived of due to the pandemic. When "help" came she was ultimately "tricked" and "coerced" into allowing her minor son to be escorted to the hospital for an evaluation and psychiatric hold, a hold to this day he has never returned from– a mistake she’ll never forgive
For this fact, Kristen applied for and was approved for Housing is Key rental assistance in which she applied for POST relief. She has approved of nearly 20k dollars that went missing from her mailbox at the same time her landlord's partner was harassing her in violation of her right to quiet enjoyment. Despite being brought up repeatedly to the court this was never addressed.
"20k dollars of federal funds are missing and not a single public official has stepped in."-K
If this money was not missing, Ms. Joseph surely would not be sleeping in her car with her two dogs, homeless, cold, and with nowhere to turn or go. It has been confirmed this check sits in an "escrow account" in what she believes is the Plaintiffs attorneys account, The notorious self proclaimed best eviction attorney, Dennis Block.
Dennis Block was recently sanctioned for using fraudulent case law in his pleadings. More alarming, the complaint filed against Kristen was filed by Block, however had redacted paragraphs that appear he himself redacted. When you download these documents from the court website, they're not redacted. He verified a complaint brought to him by the landlords without any evidence of interest in the property or contractual agreement with Kristen. Ultimately, the court repossessed possession of the property from Kristen granting it to a woman that had absolutely no proof of interest in the property.
"Does that mean I can file an unlawful detainer for my neighbors house and take it from them? We can try it and see"... Kristen Joked frustratingly
"I followed every rule. I notified the landlord constantly with declarations, I fell under all the protections but I wasn't even behind. I simply paid rent throughout the month," Kristen insists.
"But when there's no accountability, the courts do whatever they want."
Somehow the courts proceeded with this matter despite the names being incorrect, absent and proof whatsoever of their claims, depriving Ms. Joseph of her right to due process and a trial by jury, despite the person bringing the cause upon Ms. Joseph had no legal interest in the property or power of attorney.
"The entire matter is void on its face, but again we face the issue of accountability, there's no one to turn to- they're all in on it"-Kristen Joseph
Kristen's story reveals the dark underbelly of LA's housing policies, and the aftermath of the pandemic and lockdowns where promised protections ring hollow. With eviction rates still sky-high, how many more suffer in silence?
Kristens reluctancy t share her stories dissipated as she now has "nothing to lose"
"I want to show the public, especially with new mental health laws, what 'short-term' residential treatment really means," says Kristen.
"What unregulated systems and agencies can do to you, you family, your property"
That unregulated system swallowed her son nearly 3 years ago, with no end in sight.
"I don't even understand how they're receiving federal funding for him, the time statutes are all expired, they're not following any laws, rules, or legislation, this should be concerning to everyone"
Kristen was banned from seeing and speaking to her only son for almost 2 years with absolutely no contact. The court's reasoning? "She recorded a court hearing" Kristen reasserts "This is cruel and unusual punishment that should concern all the people, I have the God given unalienable right to raise my son and parent him as I please"
Kristen now faces living on the streets, separated from her son by an unregulated system that swallowed him years ago. But after being failed at every turn, she’s determined to expose the corruption of family and dependency courts and the injustices renters face in Los Angeles.
“As long as I have an internet connection and a coffee shop, I’m available 7 days a week,” insists Kristen. “The system is broken, and my family needs help.”
Journalist Patrick Howley.
Patrick Howley (born 1989) is an American reporter. As of 2020, he was writing for National File.[1] He is the former editor-in-chief of Big League Politics,[2] In 2019, he worked as a freelancer for the Epoch Times.[2]
CPS is a FOR PROFIT CORPORATION. You do NOT have to contract with them.
What started with a call for help has led to a desire to advocate for all parents and children, + expose a fundamentally corrupt system of retaliatory + relentless government private action that prioritizes cash, power, and influence over justice.
"Kristen Michelle is a mother and friend. I have been following her case for months and have witnessed firsthand how she has been kept out of her own Dependency Court case as they make decisions about her child without her present. Listen to this incredibly heartbreaking story and what she is doing about it. Michael's YouTube Videos https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPropriaPersona1 Want to help us fight judicial injustice? Donate to KidsMatter.charity"
Do Petitions work? There is only one way to find out. Please sign our petition and leave a comment!
Please visit the resources tab or document mall for some podcasts, websites, articles, books, sample documents, briefs, and information that can and will help you along the way.
I had so much difficulty finding help that didn't cost my left arm therefore I'm dedicated to making it easier for others. I plan on continuing this site indefinitely adding as we learn in order to help others with the broken legal system, mental health and behavioral health, holistic remedies and medicines, and sharing truths that awaken us to the core.
All we ask in return is to pay it forward and share our story. If you feel like throwing a monetary donation, see the contact us page for venmo and paypal information, we also accept love, prayers, letters, etc:)
(Discretion, we are not attorney's and are not offering legal advise. We are parents sharing our stories of corruption of power, our stories of survival, and our stories so you can do the foot work needed to know your rights every step of the way)
Why don't we talk about this more? Innocent children and families are being ripped apart while other children are dying in foster care. Our tax dollars fund this illegal corporation and scheme.
And tell them my son was unlawfully removed, is being withheld (kidnapping) and has been FORCEFULLY VACCINATED WITHOU5 CONSENT!!!!
And ask them why theyre not holding dcfs accountable for kidnapping?
And Demand justice ⚖️
(All clips are from February 19, 2021 or around that time) Two years ago, Little man (then 8) was traumatically ripped away from his Single Mother (and only parent) after a long battle attempting to obtain adequate services for his special needs (Indigo Child!) The pandemic left so many hopeless but especially any person affiliated with the "special needs" or "disabled" classes. We were no different. Being denied reasonable services through the IEP (individualized service plan) in place at W's then school his behavior rapidly declined to a point Mom was severely concerned and worried. It was Mom who was reaching out repeatedly for help. Eventually, that help came... Or so they thought. February 19, 2021 after Mom called for assistance from the crisis + met team, DCFS arrived shortly after. Telling mother everything she needed to hear while in her exhausted and vulnerable state despite mother's many attempts at declining an interview at that time, she was coerced and promised her son wouldn't be taken away and they were going to find all the remedies necessary for their family. Most importantly, they would help put lil boo through the right services to finally obtain an accurate diagnosis. It was stated that if he were to go anywhere it would be to a treatment facility temporarily. Even the thought of that was excruciating but with few options left, Mom decided to put her faith and trust into the "system". That was the biggest and worst mistake of her life.... This really is such a tiny glimpse into what had occurred. It was years of battling the school little boo was in as well as their district as they harassed, instigated, discriminated, and deprived my son of a free appropriate public education. He was being excluded from outings and field trips, being called the "bad kid", having law enforcement called on him constantly, having rooms evacuated when there was absolutely no need (draaaammmaa), calling Mom to pick him up early from school multiple times a week. Once she put her foot down the school began threatening her with CPS. She spent many days in the district office demanding this be acknowledged. I'm pretty sure having my son taken and concealed from me for 2 years wasn't exactly what I was asking for. Legislation is clear that removal of a child is a "last resort" for all circumstances. But what does that matter when the rest of legislation and WIC codes are so vague and ambiguous it allows for these public servants and court actors to do anything they please? and get away with it? Children in desperate need of intervention are being ignored, dying, being killed by parents and caregivers while parents like me are being destroyed and it's all about the funding. It's as clear as day to me now, I hope and pray one day it will be as clear to you too. www.freewrigley.org instagram.com/freewrigley tiktok.com/untoktrinated twitter.com/freewrigley #freewrigley The system isn't broken, it was designed that way...and it's time everyone learns where their tax dollars go and what that money supports because it supports organized government crime, kidna 99ing, extortion, ransom, child traff 1ck 1ng, and the destruction of families.
freewrigley. •••WHO•••: 11 year old son •••WHAT•••: wrongfully, deceptively, unlawfully, and traumatically removed from home and mothers care •••WHEN•••: February 19, 2023 •••WHERE••• by Los Angeles County DCFS (The Department of Children and Families) •••WHY••• plandemic cause deprivation of services in iep resulting in behavioral challenges. multiple calls for help...instructed needed paper trail in order to obtain necessary services ....did as was instructed and on Feb 19, 2021 my they 8 year old baby boy was taken on a hospital hold. I didn't see him again until July 20, 2021. Then again, until December 29, 2021, and then again until January 18, 2023. Lil boo has been thrown around between 10+ foster homes, a temporary shelter. 7+ hospital holds, ripped away from his service dog of a decade.... forcefully vacxin@tidd absent consent, medicated absent consent, medical procedures absent consent, currently in a SHORT term residential treatment facility he's been in since January 2022. He's been in 4 schools. He's punched right through his schools window ripping his hand... He's thrown himself down flights of stairs ... Tried to run away... All while crying for his Mother. He has been retaliated against for crying for "mommy" by being placed in the hospital. Stolen phones to call me.. Intentionally got placed on hospital holds since he'd have access to phones to call me... Told me social worker Cristina Pinedo has laughed in his face telling him he will never come home... This is CHILD ABUSE and everyone involved ignoring this is a party to the abuse + tyranny. MAMA WOLVES WILL NOT ALLOW THEIR LIL WOLVES TO BE HARMED. #PACKANIMALS #alpha INVOLVEMENT: ▪︎▪︎▪︎WHO▪︎▪︎▪︎ LA DCFS/LA DEPT MENTAL HEALTH/LA SHERIFF More in YouTube Description
After a year and a half of judicial abuse, abuse of discretion, fraud upon the court....being belittled in open court, called names, made to listen to humans that have never met me OR my son "judge" us and force us to endure cruel and unusual punishments.....and countless complaints...I couldn't help but wonder why so many court actors seem to highly dislike the bench officer on this matter yet so little has been done about it. It took quite a bit of digging, but I've got SOME answers. There is supposed to be "transparency" in the court room yet they scrub the internet for anything incriminating to remove it, dependency hearings are in closed court rooms...my hearings I haven't even been allowed to participate in and we have people on judges salaries residing in multi million dollar homes without explanation.... where is the transparency? How is it we trust that ONE person can over see a case without prejudice and bias? We can't, that's why we have open courts and transparency but noooo, not in dependency, and that my friends is how and why our case has become so disgustingly corrupt..... I encourage everyone to get involved with their local legislation and lobby for change in family+dependency courts. There is no accountability, no oversight, no transparency, and severe, severe abuse and fraud. It's RICO, we already know...but it's time to stand up and create change, for good. Kristen Byrdsong is a Commissioner at the Los Angeles Superior Court of Edelman's Children Court.
Copyright © 2022 Free Wrigley - All Rights Reserved. Images on this site are owned by k.Dot Photography
All Rights reserved. No rights waived.
An agency that claims to support and empower families has ruined this family's lives, taking everything from them. Mama has been homeless since November 1, struggling to survive after losing their beloved home in a never-ending legal battle. After 3 years fighting alone, they need private counsel, which is costly. Help reunite this family and show those who seek to destroy us that together we are strong! The grasshopper isn't afraid of one ant, but a Queen's escort of Ants is terrifying. The system is against truth-speakers, but let's stand up to corruption and show our support! 🤝 #HelpReunit